So once again my friend Tiffany from MS and Trot had a melt down on Trot and left which is like her third time she threw a hissy and left only this time nobody begged her to come back. When she threw a fit on MS people soothed her and asked her to come back so she did and Tiff was able to be happy for a bit of time. I have to say it is really funny how these horse boards are all women and the fights and backstabbing is just constant and nonstop. My gal pal Snowfool got some sort of idea on Trot that the poster Lucky was me and went after that poster with her claws out like an eagle on crack. Thankfully Snowfool did man up and apologize once she realized that somebody had lead her astray on telling her that this Lucky person was me which makes me hope that people will remember that these other posters don't always know everything.
Enough Trot excitement for now then.