Friday, November 20, 2009

Can I change history?

So can I change history that is about to happen with a kind word or intervening by telling somebody I care or at least somehow making it count that yes you do matter and you are not going down the right road. It might be very minor but just a minor mistep can spiral into a huge out of control extravagnza and I know I have been there. All of a sudden at work when I am freaky tired then just a simple praise and I have a renewed energy and I realize how little it takes to set me back on course for a little bit and send me back through the day and at least I don't have to do this every single day hahah and make supper at the end of it...hahaha! This is why I have also been really trying to make sure I take time to realize that lots of older people need extra time because they can't hear or they really don't understand or they can't see or they truly have forgotten. They didn't just come to the pharmacy or grocery store to be big assholes to us. I also know that the handicapped, the elderly and the ones that clearly need help aren't going to target me as being strange and will expect me and just thank me for my time or actually anybody willing to spend an extra moment with them. Well in any event I think it is worth the effort to make the attempt to change history because what have you got to lose....nothing! You have everything to gain in fact.

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