Sunday, November 22, 2009

On being kind and generous

Well so while I have frequently thought about this an article in my Yoga Journal got me to thinking about this and since nobody in their right mind would actually listen to me talk at least I can write this stuff down. I and lots of us need to remember that we need to give without any sense of expectation. "Even the smallest gensture of generosity begins an evolution toward true letting go, and our rigit patterns of relation to others begin to change." This is some amazing information to digest and mull over. Once we let go of our irritation we really do feel more joy and much lighter. For some reason in the shower I can start having angry thoughts about who was mean to me so upon stepping out I always think "ok good no bad thoughts today yay! "Ironically giving to strangers sometimes feels easier because we have fewer attachments to them than we have to family. We can relate to t hose we don't know without baggage, free of obligation. But those closest to use, our feelings are more complicated we feel oblicagation and expection, and we can fall into taking them for granted, whether we see them every morning or just on holidays." What wise words contained in my Yoga Journal! I have always thought and said this but it is very very hard to actually live by these words...very hard indeed. This also leads to me to thinking about people on New Hampshire Medicaid and EBT cards do we expect them to have some sort of tail between there legs additude. I'm thinking that many of us do and judge them on what they buy or say. They shouldn't buy lobster or have a nice purse but why am I to judge this. How do I know where this purse etc. came from. I am thinking that they should be just as free from judgement as a person with a gold or titanium AE card. Both customers deserve 100% great and equal customer service.

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